Covid-19: Stress, Self-Esteem and Psychological Well-being

Dr. Simon L. Dolan 
Dr. Salvador Garcia Sanchez

Covid-19, Stress, Self-Esteem, Values, and Psychological Well-being: How to assess risks of becoming depressed, anxious, or suicide prone?

A few years back, we published several books dealing with Stress, Self -Esteem, Health and Work (Dolan 2007; Dolan & Arsenault 1980 and 2010; Dolan, García & Diez-Piñol, 2015).   The books have been written in different languages for people at work that suffered from stress, depression, burnout and other psychological ailments.  Mind you, similar to the current situation with the  COVID-19  pandemic who is infecting millions of people throughout the globe, there were no (or very few  reliable and valid measures) to detect chronic stress  and to trace its impact of the psychological and physical health of the workers. …

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Dr. Simon L. Dolan and Dr. Salvador Garcia Sanchez